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355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Category: Prayer Letters

  • March Update from Miguel Murillo

    Dear Brethren, I thank God for another month full of blessings of which you are a part of  by way of your prayers and faithful support. From the 5th until the 12th of March, I was able to preach in the Mount Nebo Baptist Church in Maracay, Venezuela, where Pastor Gabriel Villahermosa, a former student…

  • Miguel Murillo’s January 2012 Prayer Letter

      Dear Brethren, First of all, we would like to bring you some belated Christmas Greetings and wish you a Happy New Year full of blessings and service to the Lord.  We thank God for his faithfulness and generosity with us, especially in the past year. BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH On Friday, December 23rd, we held a…

  • News from Bolivia: November 2011

    Preaching to the Chickens: This past month our sister church in Cobija Bolivia celebrated it’s 6th anniversary. I was invited to travel up with our assistant Isaac to participate in their anniversary conference for three days. We arrived on Friday and the conference started that same night. There were special activities each night with the young…

  • News from Ireland: Snode November Prayer Letter

        Update on the Ministry: In September, we had an exciting time at our annual Harvest Service with guest preacher Graham Anderson. Also in September, we began our Bible Institute. We have on average about 6-8 students who are faithful every week. We are teaching Bible Doctrines, Methods of Bible Study, and Baptist Distinctives. In…

  • November Prayer Letter from Mark Coffey

    DEAR PASTOR AND CHURCH, 43% is the support level we hit this month! Since we started full time deputation in April, God has placed us in some great churches to present the field of South Africa. Even during difficult economic times, we have seen churches give sacrificially to get us to the mission field. These…

  • One Year Deputation Update

    We have done more driving this past month on deputation than all of deputation so far. This past month, we were in 17 states and drove over 6000 miles! It was a blast, but I don’t plan on driving to Montana again any time soon! We have now been on deputation for 1 year and…

  • Snode Ministry Update in Ireland

    God has been really blessing over the last couple weeks. We continue to have first-time visitors and visitors that are returning, so we are excited that the Lord is growing the church. Also, on this past Sunday, we had a man named James join the church. James has been coming since January, and it was…

  • Newton September Update

    Dear Praying Friends, I just finished writing “thank-you” notes to churches and individuals from the past few weeks, and two thoughts crossed my mind: “Is that pain carpal tunnel syndrome?”, and, “WOW. God and His people have truly been good to us.” It’s definitely a good problem to have to write so many thank you’s!…

  • Three ways to invest in Chile

    While on furlough we are raising funds for three areas of ministry. Maybe God would have you to partner with us in one of the following areas: 1. Personal monthly support – In the last two years, we have lost 18% of our personal support due in large part to the financial downturn in the…

  • News from Peru: Sept. Update from the Hall Family

    These past few weeks have been really exciting at Iglesia Bautista Omega. Two Sundays, ago we were able to see three men saved! Last Sunday, we had an awesome service and afterwards a church potluck, with 126 in attendance! We had more than 20 first time visitors last month, and one young couple joined our…

  • News from Ireland: Snode Sept. Prayer Letter

    The summer holidays in Northern Ireland are only eight weeks long, so it makes for a busy two months with two camps, our VBS/Holiday Bible Club, and our personal holidays. Even though the summer was very busy, we really enjoyed all that God did through the various events. God blessed the teen camp in a…

  • September Prayer Letter from Chris Waye

    Dear Pastors, Partners & Praying Friends, We have had an unbelievable past couple of months. At the end of July, we started a three week trip to the Northeast that took us through ten different states preaching and presenting our burden for the British Isles. Having just completed our eighth month of full time deputation,…

  • August/September Prayer Letter from Miguel Murillo

    I thank God for another month of blessings, of which you have been a part by way of your prayers. May God fill you with wisdom as His work is being carried out. Hunter Baptist Church This month, we are encouraging the brethren in their service, and we have seen the fruits of several decisions…

  • Prayer Letter from the Halls in South Africa

    It is impossible for me to say anything negative about what God is doing in our lives and the ministry here in South Africa. He is always good! He is faithfully at work and great things are being done for His name sake. Last night, we had our men’s fellowship meeting between the four independent…

  • August Update from the Newtons

    Dear Praying Friends, I can’t believe its been a year! We quit our jobs and hit the road for full-time deputation one year ago, and we wouldn’t trade that time for anything. As with anything else, its been hard work (and after 55k miles sometimes you get tired of a car), but it has been…

  • August Update from the Basshams

    Deputation Update We have had a good time lately traveling and preaching and want to praise the Lord for how He continues to raise our support. Our support level at 11 months is just over 40% and promised support is much higher. We have not been very far from home for extended periods of time…

  • August Prayer Letter from Mark Coffey

    We have had a great time on the deputation road these last two months. We’ve been all over Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and even up to New York City. Several churches have made verbal commitments of taking us on for support, and several have already sent in new support. I will let…

  • August Update from the Whites

    Off and Running: Our first month back here in Bolivia has been both a busy and exciting one. Only a few weeks after arriving, even before we found a house, we had ten visitors from Grace Baptist in Zachary LA come and visit us, along with Bro. Tony Howeth and his wife Mrs. Stacey, who…

  • Peru Update August 2011

    Dear Brethren I thank God for the ability to present myself to you. It is a pleasure to be able to count on you and on your prayers. I ask that God would continue to use you and to pour out His blessings on you. Macedonia Baptist Seminary We finished the semester the second week…

  • 40%: July 2011 Update from Philip Bassham

    Deputation Update After 10 months of deputation, we are now at 40% of our needed monthly support for Thailand! The first part of June, we spent up north in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and then we came back south to meetings in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. We have now traveled over 37,000 miles on deputation…

  • Home on the road: July 2011 update from Scott Newton

    Dear Praying Friends, The last two months have been a little crazy: between May and June we were home a grand total of 3 days! You know you have been on the road too long when you pull up to a motel, and your daughter yells: “We’re home!” Though it’s nice to be home for…

  • Ministry Update from the Snodes in Ireland

    As usual, we are staying very busy here. The last several weeks have been consumed with our Summer Celebration 4 Kids, summer interns, and finishing some classes for my masters course. Our Summer Celebration 4 Kids was held on 5-7 July. We had a high of 32, and God really blessed with some new children…

  • Bolivia Update from the Whites

    Getting Settled In: We have now been back in Bolivia for almost three weeks and it seems as if we haven’t stopped to breath since. We had a really smooth trip here with no problems, especially since Titus hadn’t traveled on an airplane since he was one and the fact that we were bringing eight…

  • Mark Coffey’s June Prayer Letter

    Itʼs been two months since I announced my ministry change from missionary representative to church planting missionary to the country of South Africa. I am excited and encouraged from the positive responses I have received from supporting pastors, other friends, and family. We have around 25% of our needed support. I am eager to get…

  • David Gardner’s June Prayer Letter

    Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, It is quite shocking to think how much we have travelled since we have been back in the U.S.! We arrived the first part of November and since then we have driven about 25,000 miles around America. We have been as far west as Kansas City and Houston, as far…

  • Deputation Update from the Basshams!

    Just after 8 months of deputation, we are up to over 30,000 miles and have a third of our support raised! This past month, we have been in churches in GA, AR, MO, MS, TN, and SC, and many of them have taken us on for support. We are excited that the Lord is raising…

  • June Report from Peru!

    Dear Brethren: It is a pleasure to be able to communicate with you and share the blessings of God in our lives and ministries. I want to begin by thanking Pastor Ruben Effio from the Callo Lima Baptist Church for the family conference from May 20 to 22nd. Esmirna Baptist Church We began the month…

  • June 2011 Prayer Letter from Chris Gardner

    Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, Since our last letter we have done many things. God has been so good to us as we have been traveling and sharing with people about all that God is doing in our lives and in the ministry in Peru. Since our last letter, we have been in many churches,…

  • Newtons June ’11 Prayer Letter

    Dear Praying Friends, Where to begin? It has been a full month, and as always, full of God’s blessings! One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Eph 3:8, which says: “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the…

  • Prayer Letter from Travis Snode

    April was an incredibly busy month for us. In the three weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, April 24, we had to move out of our old church building, set up a new church office building, prepare for our big Easter service, and get out 30,000 pieces of literature! Thank you for praying for the…

  • From a cabin in north Georgia…

    Dear Praying Friends, I am writing this letter from a cabin in north GA, where we have spent the past week in Vision Baptist Missions orientation. It has been a great time of fellowship, but even more it has been a great time of instruction. I am so excited to be on the way to…

  • May Report from the Basshams

    Deputation Update Just after 7 months of deputation, we are up to 27,000 miles and are already over 30% of our support with much more promised! This past month we have been in churches in FL, MD, NC, TX, TN, and SC, and many of them have taken us on for support. We are excited…

  • Kevin White’s April 2011 Prayer Letter

    Building Project Update: We praise the Lord once again for His blessings on our building project in Bolivia. It seems as if the momentum is building. One of the things that we have seen is that the Lord can bless in many ways and from many unexpected places. This past month we had some great…

  • April 2011 Prayer Letter from Chris Gardner

    Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, I know that this letter is coming out just a little bit late, but I wanted to wait until the first surgery for Joshua was done. God has been so good to us, and he looks great. On the 4th of April, they did a repair on his cleft lip…

  • News from Peru by Jeremy Hall

    First of all, thank you all so much for praying about our Missions Conference last month. We were able to see two young men surrender their lives to serve the Lord fully! Secondly, we were able to raise our first Faith Promise total to s/.12,780 (+/-$4500) per year, which exceeded my expectations! One of our…

  • News from Arequipa, Peru by Micah Rastelli

    Dear Praying Friends, Thank you again for your prayers and support. Thank you for making this time in Peru all possible. I have now been in Peru for 5 months and the Lord really is using this time in my life. My Spanish is coming along slowly but I will be finished with my second…

  • News of how God is meeting needs in Africa by Keith Shumaker

    During some of my last posts I talked about some of our plans and projects for Burkina Faso. I was contacted by Pastor Wallace. He is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Trenton, GA. He expressed an interest in helping one of the projects. I sent him a list of projects, and he chose…

  • News from Kevin Hall in South Africa!

    The last couple of months have been exciting to say the least. We have hosted another group and seen God do some incredible works! A mission’s team put together by my cousin, Mark Coffey, came over during the first part of March. Part of the team was from Victory Baptist Church and Vision Baptist Church…

  • News from Chile–April 2011 Prayer Letter from the Holts

    After months of prayer, God has led us to an ideal piece of property for one of the churches in Chile!! Here’s some information about the opportunity: 1. It’s located within walking distance from our second church’s current location. 2. It is just a few steps from the corner of two main avenues. 3. From…

  • April 2011 Report from the British Isles of Ireland: by Travis Snode

    New Meeting Place As many of you know, we have been praying for God to guide us to a different meeting place for our church. This month, the Lord really opened up some doors for us. It has not been easy to find a new place to meet.  In the past three months, we have…

  • April 2011 Prayer Letter from Scott Newton

    God has given us a great month on deputation! We were in 9 great churches this month, which is lower than normal because we were in 3 missions conferences. Praise God for 4 new supporters in March! Our support has been rising steadily, and we are still well on track for our target date of…

  • April 2011 Prayer Letter from Miguel Murillo

      It is a pleasure to be able to speak with you again.  We thank God for your love for His work and Church.  We began the month with a visit to the city of Chiclayo from the 10th until the 13th of March to the Good News Baptist Church where they were having their…

  • Miguel Murillo February/March 2011 Prayer Letter

    We would like to greet you once again. We thank God for another month of blessings and protection. Macedonia Baptist Seminary We begin the month with the Lady’s Conference, which was organized by pastor and missionary wives here in our city. This occurred between the 1st and 4th of March, and there were more than…

  • Jeremy Hall’s March 2011 Prayer Letter

    Dear Tracy, March is almost over! Our family has just celebrated 2 years here in Arequipa. This month we have been focusing on missions at Omega Baptist. Our goal is for the people to understand and begin giving to faith promise. We are praying for s./11,000 ($4,000) to be committed. Of course we are also…

  • Travis Snode’s March 2011 Prayer Letter

    St. Patrick’s Day Festival We had a great day on yesterday at our St. Patrick’s Day Festival. We opened up the church for the public to come in.  We had games, prizes, refreshments, a Bible film showing, Christian literature, and a place for people to rest and talk.  Our church is located right in city…

  • Micah Rastelli’s March 2011 Prayer Letter

    Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for your prayers and support. I have now been in Peru for four months. My Spanish is coming along slowly. I am now able to hold a conversation with people on a few topics and understand more when they speak. Last week I was able to share the gospel with…

  • Edmonsons March 2011 Prayer Letter

    Bradley and Kelleigh Edmonson are our strategic partners in Medical Missions Outreach. The Edmonsons organize and lead various medical missions trips overseas throughout the year. They seek to first bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ by bringing others to Him, and second, to be of assistance to the missionary they partner with during the…

  • David Gardner’s March 2011 Prayer Letter

    Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, The past month has been packed with great churches, great fellowship and tons of traveling! We have had the opportunity to present our ministry in many different churches. They have all been very kind to us and have been extremely hospitable. Our travels have included Georgia, Florida, Ohio and Tennessee.…

  • Kevin White’s March 2011 Prayer Letter

    That is the best way that I can explain it, that I am just overwhelmed with how the Lord is blessing with our project to raise money to purchase land in Bolivia. This past month, we had a supporting church give $250 towards the project and another church took up $5000 in their mission’s conference…

  • Chris Gardner March 2011 Prayer Letter

    Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, God has been so good to us this month.  We have been really booked for the whole month.  We have spent over 5 weeks out of our house traveling and sharing about what God is doing in Peru.  It is so exciting to see how people are excited when they…