Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

June 2011 Prayer Letter from Chris Gardner

Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,

Since our last letter we have done many things. God has been so good to us as we have been traveling and sharing with people about all that God is doing in our lives and in the ministry in Peru. Since our last letter, we have been in many churches, preached 2 different missions conferences, and God has blessed us by giving us 3 new supporting churches. We are so excited about all that God is doing in our lives. Pray that the Lord would allow us to raise many new churches to partner with us for the furtherance of the Gospel in Peru and around the world.

The ministries in Peru seem to be doing very well. Bro. Jeremy Hall has been doing an amazing job in Peru. He has been working with some of the great men that God has given us in Peru. The Lord has continued to bless the ministry there in amazing ways. We are privileged to work with these great men and women in Peru. Continue to pray for them that God will use them and bless all that they do.

Since the last prayer letter, we have also been able to take some time off with the family. We had a blast together in Orlando, FL. I am not known for taking vacations, so the kids really enjoyed it. We were also able to get Joshua’s first operation taken care of. The doctors did a great job. He looks like a totally different kid! When they brought him out, it blew our minds at how different he looked. We are so thankful to be here while they are doing all of this. In the first operation, all that they did was close his lip up. His palate is still wide open, but on the 7th of July, he is programmed to have his 2nd operation which should take care of that. Pray that all goes well. Andrew always asks if Joshua is fixed yet. He really wants to get back to Peru. Pray for us that all will go well with him so we can get everything taken care of and return to Peru.

Please let me know if you would like to have us in your church to update you with all that is happening in Peru. We would love to come by, sit down, and share all that God is doing or preach your missions conference. You can contact me at [email protected], 678-646-4692, or on Facebook or Twitter @chrisandandria.

If you want to really know what is going on, hook up with us at our blog I try and do at least 6 updates a week so you can really know how to pray for us.

We thank you for all that you do to allow us to serve God in Peru. Thanks for your support and prayers. May God continue to bless you in all you do.

Yours for Souls,

Chris, Andria, Jacob, Hannah, Andrew and Joshua