Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Chris Gardner March 2011 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,

God has been so good to us this month.  We have been really booked for the whole month.  We have spent over 5 weeks out of our house traveling and sharing about what God is doing in Peru.  It is so exciting to see how people are excited when they hear what God has done through their sacrificial gifts.  The traveling can be hard but getting to spend time and tell people of all that God is doing is amazing.

This month we have traveled from GA to SC to TN to IA to MN to SD (that place was cold, got down to -23. Insane!!!) to WI to OH to NY to NJ to DE to MD.  Crazy the amount of time that we have spent in a car.  The kids do great in the car and we are thankful for that.  They are doing their homeschool and it seems they are doing well with it.  Joshua also is great to travel with, we are thankful for the kids God has given us when it comes to traveling.  We had to drive through snow storms, on ice and through rain storms.  We had some issues with the car as well that we were not expecting.  They will probably total up to around $1500.  Pray that we will see this need provided for.

This month I had the privilege of preaching at Omega Baptist Church in Arequipa, Peru.  This was very, very fun.  I recorded it, then I put it on vimeo and they downloaded it and let me preach.  It is amazing what we can do now days with technology.  The day I preached there were right over 100 people there.  God has used Jeremy Hall greatly while we have been gone and we are thankful for all that he is doing there.  If you have money in your missions budget and are looking for someone to support, Jeremy Hall and David Gardner would be the two guys I would recommend.  They are both great men of God and are doing amazing things!

On the family side, we now have the operation dates for Joshua.  Please be praying for his first operation.  It will take place on the 4th of April.  Pray that everything will go well and that we can see him improve.  Also pray that only 2 operations will be necessary.  He has done well with his eating and with his growing so we think that everything is headed in the right direction, but please keep this in your prayers.

If you don’t read our blog, we encourage you to do that.  We do weekly video updates and we put up short updates 4 or 5 times a week.  We encourage you to go and sign up for them.  There you can actually see videos of us driving through the snow  and through the rain, etc.  Pretty interesting.  I get letters every day from people telling us how much they like the updates.  If you get a chance, check out all that is going on at  Keep us in your prayers that God will continue providing and using our lives for his glory.

Yours for Souls,

Chris, Andria, Jacob, Hannah, Andrew and Joshua Gardner