Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Author: trent cornwell

  • More than the Doors are Open

    Will your church be open this Sunday? This question has become more and more common over the last couple of months. Each time I answer with “Most certainly and I hope you will be able to join us!” I have felt like my answer has been missing something. Meeting as a church is vitally important.…

  • 3 Short Stories: Concerning having friends that study the Bible

    3 Short Stories: Concerning having friends that study the Bible

    After the service this morning I attended the Vision Bible Institute Informative Luncheon. I had the opportunity to start the meeting with prayer and ended up with a front row seat to hear the teachers speak about their upcoming classes. A free lunch is always something that I get excited about but God brought a…

  • Discipleship builds a church.

    When Vision Baptist Church was officially started in March of 2006 we had all the dreams and desires of most church plants. We prayed that God would use our combined efforts to see people come to know Christ and become followers of Him. It was also our desire that God would use our new church…

  • 5 Ways Phones Can Be Used to Help Your Christian Walk

    5 Ways Phones Can Be Used to Help Your Christian Walk

      Our Student Pastor, Trent Cornwell, has started a series of blog article for our teenagers. The articles are written for teenagers but have strong applications to all of us. We would encourage you check out the website for our Student Ministry. You can subscribe to get articles and read this blog in its entirety.…

  • New Ministry at the Forsyth County Jail

      Last night we saw an answer to the prayers of many people. It has been our desire for many years now to have the opportunity to serve in the local jail by leading Bible studies. Over the last year, especially, Joseph Reidy has kept this prayer requests before us. We are so thankful this…

  • Why we Preach Through Books of the Bible

    Why we Preach Through Books of the Bible

      On occasion, we have been questioned on why we preach  through the Bible verse by verse and book by book. We know many good churches and Pastors do not preach the Book in a sequential order as we have chosen to do. We know and believe that our lessons and sermons must come from…

  • Newest Members: Brian and Joy Raaen

      We gladly welcomed Brian and Joy Raaens into our church membership yesterday morning during our service. They also celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversary yesterday! While attending Vision they have become involved in the Conn3ct Adult Bible Fellowship. Joy has also enjoyed fellowship and encouragement from other Home School Moms. They have already attended the Come…

  • Special Guest: Seth Austin

    Join us on Thursday, December the 3rd as we will have Seth Austin preaching for us. His testimony of arranging his life around the gospel is a testimony to all. He shares the Gospel in and through his daily life. He deals with the daily pain brought on by cerebral palsy and spondylolisthesis. Rather walking…

  • Dodge Hunger Food Drive

    Dodge Hunger Food Drive

    Okay, we understand that the idea of a full night of jumping on trampolines at SkyZone may not sound like fun to you. Even if that is true, I bet you still would love to be involved in an event that would help our students share the Gospel with their friends and give them a…

  • Parent Corner: The Lords Supper is no ordinary supper.

    Parent Corner: The Lords Supper is no ordinary supper. The Parent Corner is one of the ways we endeavor to help keep you informed in the lessons and material being taught to the teenagers of our church. Here is the lesson taught to our high school students on the first Sunday of September. I Corinthians 11:17-34…

  • Parent Corner: 1 Corinthians 5

    The High School Student Bible Fellowship has recently started a series in 1 Corinthians. We want to give you an update on our lesson from last week. This subject can be some what awkward to address. We address it with the students as he comes up in the Bible as we are teaching verse by…

  • The Passover Seder

    The Passover Seder

    I know I could say this about every Thursday Night Service at Vision but it is especially true about this Thursday Night! You will not want to miss learning about “The Messiah in the Passover” as it will be taught by Sam Wilson, Missionary to the Jewish People. It will be an informative and exciting…

  • Parent Corner: View of the Cross

    Parent Corner: View of the Cross

    What You Think of the Cross Determines your Wisdom or Foolishness I Corinthians 1:17-31  May 3, 2015 Knowledge is the collection of things that you know.  Wisdom is the power or ability to properly use what you know.   A person may know a damaging fact about someone.  That is knowledge.  Wisdom is the decision to…

  • Sunday In Review | April 5th, 2015

    As we prepare for services this Sunday I would like to take a moment to remind us of the wonderful service we had last Sunday. It was an awesome day of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. We had 179 people in our Adult Bible Fellowship and Sunday School time together! In our morning service we…

  • Great Service and Newest Member!

    Last night we took time to remember the sacrificial death of Christ by observing the Lord’s Supper. We were walked through the New Testament and was reminded of the perfect birth, life, and death of Jesus. Last night was extra special to us all because we had Ben Thomas lead us in the Lord’s Supper.…

  • Send Me I’ll Go: Letting the Mission Choose Your Life

    Send Me I’ll Go: Letting the Mission Choose Your Life

    Jake Taube wrote this on his blog. I wanted to make sure and share it with everyone of you. Also at the end of the article you will see that I want to give away several copies of the book. Read on to see how to get your own free copy. Last week was an exciting one…

  • Parent Corner: The Lost will not get saved by accident.

    Parent Corner: The Lost will not get saved by accident.

    The Lost will not get saved by accident.  Text: Romans 10:14-21 February 8, 2015 Romans 10:14 “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?.”  Our young people have to be…

  • Newest Members

    We are very excited to have Brett Broadrick and Amber Daniel. They are engaged to be married this summer. They are wonderful couple with a very evident love for Jesus. We have the joy of getting to know them for the last several weeks. They both attended the Come and See Luncheon this last Sunday.…

  • Sunday in Review

    Bulletin for the Week: VISIONNEWS-Jan11.2015 If you did not receive a bulletin yesterday, please raise your hand. You can click the link above to download a PDF of Visions News for January the 11th. As you know I, am an advocate actively fighting bulletin illiteracy. In the words of George Washington “The Christian that reads, the…

  • Sunday in Review

    Bulletin for this Week: VISIONNEWS- 12.28.14 What an awesome Sunday! Above is the video archive of the morning message. At the 20 minute mark you will hear the Cooke Family sing beautifully “It is well with my Soul”! What an awesome family, but an even better God. We have another “special, special” on Sunday night with…

  • Sunday in Review

    Bulletin for the Week of 12.21.14 – VISIONNEWS:12:21:14 We are looking forward to seeing you all tonight for our mid-week service! Do not forget this week and next week we are meeting on Tuesday night. Tonight will be extra special as we head into Christmas. We will have a combined service with our Spanish speaking members…

  • Newest Member: Bethlehem Robi

    We would like to welcome Bethlehem (Beth) Robi as our newest member! She has already been a great blessing to our church in many ways. She has volunteered in different events. Recently she represented her home country of Ethiopia during a time of fellowship following the first night of our missions conference. She is also…

  • Newest Member: Daniel Bennett

      We would like to welcome Daniel Bennett as the newest member of Vision Baptist Church. He is a real joy to be around. He has already been helping Pastor Robert with the activities for the Single Focus ministry. He has one sister, Rebekah, who is also a member of Vision. He joined by letter…

  • Sunday in Review: October 26, 2014

      I never tire of going to church and worshipping our great God with the wonderful people He has sent to Vision Baptist Church! pastor preached two fantastic messages. In the Sunday morning service a man responded to the Gospel call! In the afternoon service it is often easy to get sleepy after such a…

  • Dodge Hunger Update

        This morning the Students of Vision spent several hours at the North Georgia Food Bank sorting cans, making food boxes, laughing, and most importantly glorifying our God! Early this year they took up almost 600 lbs in canned food items at our annual Dodge Hunger event! Today they took the cans of food…

  • Are you ready for school?

    Are you ready for school?

    Students of Vision,  Rather you got on a bus this or just had to cross your living room, many of you are returning to school this week. I am super excited about all that we have planned that will provide us opportunities together this school year. As some of you will hear in graduation speeches…

  • Newest Members: The Page Family

    Please join us in welcoming our newest family to Vision Baptist Church. Last Sunday we were grateful for the opportunity to vote in Kevin, Lisa, Lauren, Stephen, Lee, and Noah as members of the church. Before joining they had faithfully served in Jefferson, GA. Kevin had served as the pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church. Many…

  • Testimony: Kami Richardson

    Kamerin and I are officially joining the family of Vision Baptist Church today.  Words really can’t describe how grateful we both are, but I feel that something needs to be said in attempt to make our gratitude known, so here goes… About a year and a half ago, I received a handout on the door…

  • Camp in Review

    I really appreciate Hannah Shreve taking hundreds of pictures at the Our Generation Camp. When she gets time to sort through them and make some edits she plans to make them available for all of us to see! Here are a few picture taken and posted this week. I think it helps tell the story…

  • Sunday in Review

    Bulletin for the week of May 18th, 2014: VISIONNEWS.May17 Another awesome weekend for the people of Vision Baptist Church! On Friday night we had two wonderful families be united through the marriage of Ben Mize and Kristen Pearson. Both are faithful servants in the church with terrific testimonies. They both are talented musicians. Ben has even…

  • Obituary for Allison Clapp

    Mrs. Allison Clapp was a loving mother, wonderful wife, and a compassionate servant in our church. On Monday morning our church family was stunned and saddened by the passing of Mrs. Allison Clapp. What we have not been surprised about has been the outpouring of love from our church and the community. Allison has been…

  • Sunday in Review

    We were excited to see just over 200 in attendance today in our morning service! We are grateful to God for the people He continues to send our way! Pastor taught a clear and “straight from the Book” sermon from the first part of Matthew.  Kanon Bloom, who organizes our outreach, prayed over our pile of…

  • Sunday in Review

    What a fantastic Sunday! Yes, I say that often but I believe it most often as well. Before we get to what all happened on Sunday I would like to congratulate the Marks family. Nathan Marks was baptized last Thursday during our service. Nathan is such a sweet and respectful young man. We are very…

  • Sunday in Review

      We had a wonderful today together! Several first time visitors in the morning service. It was also nice to get to meet Paul Gooding’s parents as well as Tim Caucutt’s parents. It is always amazing how many people Pastor Frick knows. If anyone ever visits from the far north he knows someone they know.…

  • Night of the S’mores / Recap

    Night of the S’mores / Recap

    What an awesome night! We had about 65 people out for our first “Night of the S’mores”! There was much laughter, conversations with friends, kids playing, and a bunch of s’mores devoured. It was a great night enjoying the property that God has allowed us to purchase. It was a safe, enjoyable night thanks to…

  • New Series in Connect

    Connect is one of the Adult Bible Fellowships that meet at 9:30 am before our morning worship service on Sundays. The class is designed to help young couples connect first of all to Christ and secondly to the community of other believers in our church. Below you will find an article written describing a new…

  • Live steam Debate

    Join me (Trent), Ty, Santiago, and others as we watch this debate tomorrow night at the church. It starts at 7:00 pm but we are encouraging you to get there by 6:45 pm for some discussion and prayer. 100,000,000 people watched the Super Bowl last night. That is also the number of Americans that claim…

  • Story Time and Ladies Bible Study

    Story Time On Wednesdays at 10:15 am we have been having Story Time for children at the church. It is a chance for the kids to get together, learn a Bible lesson, and let the stay at home have a chance to get together. Starting on Wednesday, March the 5th Story Time will make some changes as we work…

  • Sanctity of Life Sunday

    Sanctity of Life Sunday

    Yesterday was set aside, nationally, as Sanctity of Life Sunday. We whole heartedly agree with thousands of churches across America that this is an issue for which the Bible is not silent. We believe life begins at conception which means we believe that decisions made concerning the unborn are of the the utmost importance. We…

  • Baptism of Jeriel

    On Sunday night, December the 29th, we were all honored to see Jeriel celebrate the fact he accepted Christ by being baptized. He was baptised by Ed De Los Reyes. Jeriel and his friends have been coming to church with Ed for the last 6 months. It was very exciting to get to meet so…

  • Tim and Alicia Caucutt

    We are very excited to welcome Tim and Alicia Caucutt as members of our church! They have recently moved here from Virginia where Tim had been serving as a recruiter for the Marines. We are grateful for his service to our country and his desire to serve our Lord through the ministries of the church.…