Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Category: General

  • More than the Doors are Open

    Will your church be open this Sunday? This question has become more and more common over the last couple of months. Each time I answer with “Most certainly and I hope you will be able to join us!” I have felt like my answer has been missing something. Meeting as a church is vitally important.…

  • 3 Short Stories: Concerning having friends that study the Bible

    3 Short Stories: Concerning having friends that study the Bible

    After the service this morning I attended the Vision Bible Institute Informative Luncheon. I had the opportunity to start the meeting with prayer and ended up with a front row seat to hear the teachers speak about their upcoming classes. A free lunch is always something that I get excited about but God brought a…

  • Sunday in Review – Tailgate Sunday

    We had a great Sunday this past week as we celebrated the fourth of July by having our annual Tailgate Sunday. Many different Sunday school classes made different foods from Tamale’s to BBQ sliders to Indian food. We had a great time celebrating with each other. We had 290 people in attendance Sunday morning with…

  • Member Spotlight: Lemar and Latasha

    Each month we try to spotlight members of our church. By spotlighting members of our church, we hope to give you the opportunity to better know the people of Vision. This month, take some time to get to know Lemar and Latasha.   Lemar did not grow up in a Christian home. The only reason he…

  • Two Baptized this Week!!!

    María García – Lady that has been coming since Miguel was pastor. When she was younger she had been baptized and was following the routine of being a christian. The Soncco’s started doing foundations with her where she lives so that others in her neighborhood could come. As they were doing it she realized she…

  • Sunday in Review: City on a Hill

    We had a great week with Sam Wilson, missionary to Jewish people, as he taught and preached  on soul winning. There is a great need to reach not only the world with the gospel. We were challenged as a church to do more to reach our community and shown ways to reach Jews in our…

  • Sunday in Review/ New Member

    This past Sunday morning we were excited to have 278 people in attendance with almost 160 people in our main service! Pastor preached a great message out of Mark on Judas in preparation for this upcoming Easter Sunday’s message. Judas was so close to Jesus and missed Him. Don’t miss out of a real relationship…

  • Why we Preach Through Books of the Bible

    Why we Preach Through Books of the Bible

      On occasion, we have been questioned on why we preach  through the Bible verse by verse and book by book. We know many good churches and Pastors do not preach the Book in a sequential order as we have chosen to do. We know and believe that our lessons and sermons must come from…

  • New Member!

    This past Sunday morning we were very excited to have our newest person join our church, Joseph Reidy! Joe was saved at the age of nine during a church camp. He has been faithfully attending our church the past couple months. He loves the Lord, has a passion for reaching people, and for reaching people…

  • Sunday in Review

    This past Sunday morning we were blessed to have 257 in attendance. The Spanish ministry alone had over fifty themselves! We are excited to see the continued growth of the Spanish ministry. Sunday morning pastor preached a great message on Baptism. We were continuing our study of the gospel of Mark. Baptism is a very important part…

  • Celebration Sunday in Review!

    This week we had our 11th annual Celebration Sunday, celebrating eleven years in ministry as a church. It was a great day full of special singing, preaching, and a great time of fellowship. There were over three hundred in attendance in all services! Pastor began His series on Mark Sunday morning and preached a great…

  • Weekly Update!

    We had another great week this past Sunday. Sunday night we had a special night with our wedding vow renewal night. Many married couples from our church stood together and renewed their vows to each other and once again publicly professed their love for each other. Pastor then preached a great message on marriage. At…

  • Six Baptisms This Past Thursday!

    Our church was really blessed to see the fruit of constant gospel preaching with six people baptized this past Thursday night. We are excited for each person baptized as they are moving forward with their Christian life! Abigail Cooke grew up as a missionary kid in Guatemala. She grew up going to church and doing…

  • Member Spotlight: Peter and Rayisa Skudarnov

      Vision Baptist Church provides a home where its people can live out God’s calling on their everyday lives to be messengers of the gospel here in the community and on the foreign field. From month to month, we would like to spotlight various members of our church body and the work they are doing…

  • Weekly Update

    This past week we had a great week at Vision Baptist Church. Sunday morning there were 287 people here, and we heard a great message out of Zachariah! Thursday night we were honored to have one of our veteran missionaries, David and Katie Gardner, back and preaching for us updating us on the work going…

  • New Missionaries!

    Tonight Ben Thomas and his soon to be wife Caroline were accepted as a missionary out of Vision Baptist Church and Vision Baptist Missions. He will be starting deputation soon and will be headed to the country of Myanmar, located in South East Asia. Ben is now the third person to graduate out of Vision Baptist’s youth ministry…

  • Second Baptism of the New Year!

    Tonight we had our second baptism in the new building and of the new year! Abby Cofeild was baptized tonight at the age of eight. Abby’s parents are Stephen and Stephanie Coalfield. They have been serving in our church as Sunday School teachers and Stephen has been leading worship. Abby was saved on May 9,…

  • First Baptism in the New Building!

    Benjamin Soncco  Benjamin Soncco was saved few years ago on a Sunday night in Arequipa, Peru. David Gardner was preaching at Omega Baptist Church on life after death, it was then that Benjamin realized that he wasn’t saved. So that night on the way home from church Benjamin talked to his mom about salvation, and repented and…

  • First Service in the New Building Brings New Member

    First Service in the New Building Brings New Member

    Bethany Staley  This past Sunday we were excited to have our first service in our new location! During this service we were blessed to have Bethany Staley join our church. Bethany has been working extremely hard the past couple of years in the church while training for missions at the Our Generation Training Center. She…

  • New Members That Joined This Week

    This past Sunday night we had a newlywed couple and a young man who joined the church on our last Sunday night in our current building!   Mitch and Jacqulyn McCormack We are very excited to have the McCormack family in our church. Mitch and Jacqulyn McCormack are a newlywed couple that have decided to move to…

  • Newest Members: Brian and Joy Raaen

      We gladly welcomed Brian and Joy Raaens into our church membership yesterday morning during our service. They also celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversary yesterday! While attending Vision they have become involved in the Conn3ct Adult Bible Fellowship. Joy has also enjoyed fellowship and encouragement from other Home School Moms. They have already attended the Come…

  • Sunday in Review

    Our series in Galatians continued with the 5th chapter which discussed our liberty in Christ. We learned, however that our liberty wasn’t bestowed upon us so that we could live however we like; but rather so that we can serve others. The attendance for the main service was up to 264 again. It is encouraging…

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  • Dodge Hunger Food Drive

    Dodge Hunger Food Drive

    Okay, we understand that the idea of a full night of jumping on trampolines at SkyZone may not sound like fun to you. Even if that is true, I bet you still would love to be involved in an event that would help our students share the Gospel with their friends and give them a…

  • Parent Corner: March 1st

    Submitting to authority is submitting to God.   March 1, 2015 Text: Romans 13 To help our parents stay informed about what their students are learning during the Student Bible Fellowship time at church we are providing an overview of the lesson from this Sunday for you.  Submitting to authority is tough at any age,…

  • Newest Members: The Page Family

    Please join us in welcoming our newest family to Vision Baptist Church. Last Sunday we were grateful for the opportunity to vote in Kevin, Lisa, Lauren, Stephen, Lee, and Noah as members of the church. Before joining they had faithfully served in Jefferson, GA. Kevin had served as the pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church. Many…

  • New Series in Connect

    Connect is one of the Adult Bible Fellowships that meet at 9:30 am before our morning worship service on Sundays. The class is designed to help young couples connect first of all to Christ and secondly to the community of other believers in our church. Below you will find an article written describing a new…

  • Sanctity of Life Sunday

    Sanctity of Life Sunday

    Yesterday was set aside, nationally, as Sanctity of Life Sunday. We whole heartedly agree with thousands of churches across America that this is an issue for which the Bible is not silent. We believe life begins at conception which means we believe that decisions made concerning the unborn are of the the utmost importance. We…

  • Baptism of Jeriel

    On Sunday night, December the 29th, we were all honored to see Jeriel celebrate the fact he accepted Christ by being baptized. He was baptised by Ed De Los Reyes. Jeriel and his friends have been coming to church with Ed for the last 6 months. It was very exciting to get to meet so…

  • Two Baptisms!

    We would like to congratulate David Clapp and Nancy Gonzales for getting baptized this past Sunday! Their baptism serves as an outward sign of their inward belief in Jesus Christ. We are excited that they decided to take this important step in their walk with Christ. Please welcome them to the Vision family! Here is…

  • It is coming soon!

    It is nearly time for one of the most important times of year: our annual missions conference.  This action packed week is a time for our church to meet new missionaries and learn about exciting ministries from around the World.  In the coming weeks, much more information will be post on the website about the…

  • Testimonies about the Bible Expo

    Life is busy and crazy and you have a to-do list that is ten pages long.  And we expect you to give up time to come to a Bible Expo!  Will this conference really be worth your time?  Below are two testimonies from some men about last years Bible Expo that shows you “Yes!  It…

  • Pastor Trent on the Bible Expo

    Below is an article written by Pastor Trent in the upcoming Bible Expo.  In his typical stlye, he shows why a conference like this is so important to have.  This article is taken from 16 year old & 29 year old Trent need the Bible Expo! So I got to the climax of my…

  • Developing a Biblical Philosophy of Music

    For several years, Philip Bassham was the music man for our church.  When Philip took over the music, the church was still young and new.  Philip realized that the direction he set the music program on would influence the music at the church for many years to come.  But more importantly, he knew that the…

  • From the Desk of Pastor Trent: Creating a Volunteer Culture

    Creating a Volunteer Culture As I look at the week in review and spend sometime setting up my calendar, I have begun to get slightly overwhelmed. Many times I would have been overwhelmed by how much there is to do, but tonight I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the volunteer culture that God has created…

  • Service Update: Ye say, We see

    God has truly blessed Vision Baptist Church with a great pastor who loves the Lord and has a great understanding of His Word.  Pastor shared that understanding with us Sunday morning as he finished up John chapter 9.  At the end of the chapter, we find people who are beyond help.  They thought that they…

  • From the Desk of Pastor Trent: The Gospel Tract

    The Gospel Tract I know that this is an odd subject to write about. Not that the Gospel would be odd for me to talk about but the fact I am talking about a piece of paper on a blog. I have always been intrigued by the Gospel tract. In the small church I grew…

  • Service Update: Open Eyes and Division

    We had a great time Sunday as we continued through the book of John.  Pastor Trent brought two powerful messages to us from John chapter nine.  As Jesus and his disciples are walking, they come across a blind man.  In their mindset, the disciples assume that either this man or his parents must have committed…

  • From the Desk of Pastor Trent: Pioneer Senders

    Our church has been so blessed to have a great assistant pastor in Trent Cornwell.  His hard work and dedication have helped to make our church strong.  And his love and zeal for World Evangelism has helped motivate and move many people to get more involved.  The following is something Pastor Trent wrote on his…

  • Country of the Week-Ghana

    Each week our church features a Country of the Week to pray for. We ask the Lord for laborers for the harvest in this specific country. One of the young teenage ladies in our church has begun to help us by using her writing skills to help us give you a better understanding of each…

  • Find out more about Gambia!

    Country of the Week: Gambia Each week our church features a Country of the Week to pray for. We ask the Lord for laborers for the harvest in this specific country. One of the young teenage ladies in our church has begun to help us by using her writing skills to help us give you…