Author: oldcontent
Graduation time!
Vision Baptist Church would like to issue a congratulations To Susie Wachob and Robert and Kelli Canfield on their graduation from the Our Generation Training Center. All three of the graduates have been exemplary servants of the Lord, and God has really used their lives. They had to attend classes on a weekly basis for…
Coffey family prayer letter.
The 2010 Our Generation Leadership Camp was a great success. We had around sixty teens and college-age students participate in this year’s camp. God moved in the hearts and lives of the young people and several have given their lives to work in full-time missions. We have two from this group who have confirmed they will be attending our Training Center this coming fall. Plan…
What is the Summit?
If you’ve been around Vision Baptist church for any length of time, no doubt you’ve heard of something called “The Summit.” But what exactly is a summit? In short, it’s a 3 day event in Pigeon Forge, TN totally focused on missions. But it’s so much more than that. Missionaries to Africa, South America, Asia…
Newton Family Prayer Letter July 2010
Dear Praying Friends, June has been a great month of preparation for our first deputation meetings, as well as seeing God move at Vision Baptist Church! The Lord has been opening many doors to come and present our ministry in the next few months, and we are asking Him for many more as I am…
4th of July baptism service!
Today was a very special 4th of July service, in that it was the second consecutive service in which someone was baptized. Today, Victor Martinez “took the plunge” and thereafter became a member of Vision Baptist Church. Chris Fies, the man who lead him to the Lord, kicked services off by baptizing Victor, and it…
Schedule changes!
There will be no Teachers & Workers meeting tomorrow afternoon (July 4th, 2010) and there will be a Men’s Meeting this Thursday(July 8th, 2010)at 6:25pm.
Chris Gardner Family Prayer Letter July 2010
Dear Pastors and Praying friends, We have had a great month this month in the ministry here in Arequipa. We had the privilege of having Go Forth Baptist Missions bring a medical group down to help out the people of the city. The medical clinic went well. It was hosted at Omega Baptist Church. The…
Goers & Senders Coalition!
Tonight will be Vision Baptist’s monthly “Goer /Sender Coalition” service. This is a spectacularly exciting service that you do not want to miss! This service will feature Vision Baptist missionaries, and missionaries in training, all preaching mini messages! Instead of one message, there will be several, shorter messages, and there will also be several interesting…
Vision Baptist: Missions Minded
Vision Baptist Church has 135 official members. Of those members, 22 are missionaries. That equates to 16% of the total members. Those missionaries are going to 8 different countries on 5 different continents. And at first, 16% doesn’t seem very impressive, but consider this: if 16% of the world’s total population were missionaries, that would…
Hall Family Blessing Service
Last night was a truly special night as Vision Baptist Church hosted a blessing service for missionary Kevin Hall. Kevin has been an exemplary man of God, and we wanted to send him back to his second term in South Africa on a high note. The whole service was geared toward Kevin and his wife,…
International Friend Day!
International friend day! Join us on July 11th as we celebrate International Friend day! This will be a day dedicated to celebrating our friends and friendships from all across the globe. Help us reach our goal of representing as many nations as we possibly can! It will also be the day that the final of…
Tony’s Baptism!
This past Sunday was a super special service. In the morning, brother Jonathan Marks had the privilege of baptizing a young man, Tony Hinojosa! Tony recently started attending Vision, and right away showed interest in being baptized and joining the church. We would like to welcome Tony as the newest member of Vision Baptist Church, and look forward to…
Singing service!
Join us on August 15th as we have a special singing service. Services will begin at the normal time of 7pm, but will be slightly different than a “normal” service. There will be preaching, throughout the service, yes, but the majority of the service will be focused on praising the Lord through song and music! The Bible…
Kevin Hall blessing service
Kevin Hall is a great man of God, and it is with extreme honor that Vision Baptist Church will be having a blessing service for him this Sunday night. Kevin and his family are missionaries in the country of South Africa, and are currently set to return there from furlough on July 6th. Kevin has…
Welcome to our new missionaries!
Welcome to new missionary- Friend in Egypt. Our friend in Egypt has chosen to conceal his identity for security reasons. He is a great man of God, and it is a privilege to be partnering with him and his ministry. Welcome to new missionary- Matt Allen! Matt and his family are currently serving in the country of Papua New Guinea.…
New Supported Missionaries!
Also, starting in September we will begin supporting two new staff missionaries!
Snode Prayer Letter June 2010
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, Jesus told us in Matthew 16:18 that He would build His church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. We have see the Lord build His church numerically and spiritually over the last several weeks. Though we had a few families leave our churches recently for various…
Holt Family May 2010 Prayer Letter
Church News: Many of you undoubtedly remember that last October we planted a new church in Santiago. Over 20 people have accepted Christ through this new endeavor. Up to this point the church, Omega Baptist, has been meeting only once a week. In June we will be adding a Sunday service to the weekly schedule!…
My beloved, God has given us the privilege of serving this city, we have a burden for the lost people, faithfully serve our God, with many difficulties, but we are here only for him because he deserves it, not by anyone aria Moreover, is it just for him, to whom be glory and honor. I…
Missionary Prayer Letter from Lorenzo Laura in Bolivia
MISSIONARY NEWS FROM THE FIELD – BOLIVIA COBIJA PANDO. My dear brother, God bless you. I’m happy and glad to serve our God in this beautiful city. On April 2, participated in a seminar on the administration and praise in the church in Thessalonica Baptist Church of Rio Braco, Wandenverk Pastor, where I had the…
Medan, Indonesia – a Christian talent pool
article written by a Singaporean pastor on On my recent visit to Medan, Indonesia, I was invited to join the Christian fellowship of a polytechnic (technical school). As I entered into the large auditorium on the campus, I was greeted by the committee of the fellowship. I was impressed by the way this committee…
Medan, Indonesia – a city of churches
interesting article written by a Singaporean pastor on I’ve just returned from a trip to Medan, Indonesia. It was my first trip to this city – the fourth largest city in Indonesia. As I’m a regular visitor to Indonesia, I expected Medan to be like the other cities that I’ve been to – namely,…
Opportunities Everywhere
by Jonathan Marks Our last blog post was titled “Opportunities Abounding.â€Â That title couldn’t have been more true. I don’t know about you, but in my Christian life, I look for places to serve God. I examine my usual favorites–the things I feel “comfortable†doing for God. Those things that I’ve done before with moderate success. …
Children’s Church
by Kyle Shreve Well, this last Sunday was an extremely exciting day at Vision Baptist Church! We had over 50 children in the Children’s Church, which is the most we’ve ever had since I’ve been here. The little Junior Church room was packed full of kids, which is an amazing thing to see! God is…
The Bus Ministry
Last week, Vision Baptist Church held an amazing 5-day Children’s Evangelistic Crusade with Bro. Ed Dunlop. During that time, I got to be a part of a bus ministry that started out with 10 visitors and ended with a high of 45 kids and adults and 19 church workers. It was my first time ever…
Gardner Family Prayer Letter March 2010
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends, What an incredible month this one has been! We have had some good times, some bad times and some ugly times. Please continue to pray for us that God will use us in amazing ways here in Peru and that we might send the men around the world that can…
Children’s Crusade Starts April 4th!!!
Our Children’s Crusade with Children’s Evangelist Ed Dunlop is coming up soon! We kick off this exciting time of games, prizes, and learning about Christ on April 4th. Join us each evening from April 4th – 8th to take part in crazy games and challenges. Compete for wild prizes like a 3-foot long gummy snake!…
Coffey Family Prayer Letter March 2010
Dear Pastor and Church, We are currently in Minneapolis, MN, and Lord has blessed with several meetings in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and South Dakota. I was able to bring the whole family on this trip despite Amy not feeling very well with the baby on the way. I praise the Lord she hasn’t gotten sick one…
Children’s Crusade Beginning on Easter Sunday!
Our Children’s Crusade with Children’s Evangelist Ed Dunlop is coming up soon! We kick off this exciting time of games, prizes, and learning about Christ on April 4th. Join us each evening from April 4th – 8th to take part in crazy games and challenges. Compete for wild prizes like a 3-foot long gummy snake!…
Children’s Crusade April 4, 2010
Our Children’s Crusade with Children’s Evangelist Ed Dunlop is coming up soon! We kick off this exciting time of games, prizes, and learning about Christ on April 1st. Join us each evening from April 4th – 8th to take part in crazy games and challenges. Compete for wild prizes like a 3-foot long gummy snake!…
HOLT FAMILY 8.8 Earthquake hits Chile! Thousands are homeless and hundreds are dead a!er one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded shook Chile to its core. Invest in Chile Many donations have been made to help rebuild Chile and provide urgent supplies. We are praying that God will use this tragedy to soften hearts to…