Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Chris Gardner Family Prayer Letter July 2010

Dear Pastors and Praying friends,

We have had a great month this month in the ministry here in Arequipa. We had the
privilege of having Go Forth Baptist Missions bring a medical group down to help out
the people of the city. The medical clinic went well. It was hosted at Omega Baptist
Church. The people from the church did a great job helping the crew out. It was exciting
watching the church come together to help others! We were able to see a total of over
1800 patients and right at 700 made professions of faith. We are excited to be a part
of all of this going on here in the city of Arequipa. Now we are in charge of following
up with all of the people that came to the clinic and we will be starting discipleship with
those that placed their faith in Christ. Pray for open doors as we do all of this. I thank
God for the staff of Peruvians that helped during this time as well as the Hall family who
did all of the organizing and all of the hard work with the group while they were here.
God has truly blessed us with some great men and women. Without them, half of what
is done would not be able to be accomplished.

The church is constantly growing and we are excited about everything that God is
doing. We closed out the month with an average of 118 in church. Of course that is just
an outward evidence of what God is doing inside the church. We continue to see many
people saved, discipled and baptized. God has been so good to us here at Omega
Baptist Church. We had Trent Cornwell with us a few months back. He is one of the
pastors of Vision Baptist Church (our home church). He said that he loved preaching to
people who knew absolutely nothing about the Bible. It is neat to see these Christians
as they learn what seem to be old and known truths from the Bible to us, and see the
change that it is making in their lives.

We are excited also about the opportunity that we have to be able to go back to the
states for a few weeks with the whole family. We will be at a missions conference and
have a few openings to be able to go to your church to share with you all that God is
doing here in Peru. We would also love to go to new churches as we are in desperate
need of raising new support. The economy seems to hammer on the missionaries
economy in very painful ways. If you know of any churches that might be able to
pick us up for support please let us know so we might visit. Our email address is
[email protected]. We do want to thank everyone for their sacrificial giving to
allow us to stay on the field. I believe you will see much fruit in your account because of
that. May God continue to bless you in all you do.

Yours for Souls,
Chris, Andria, Jacob, Hannah, Andrew and ? Gardner

P.S. Andria’s pregnancy seems to be going well. We should be able to let you know
what gender the baby will be by the next prayer letter.
