Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

August Update from the Newtons

Dear Praying Friends,

I can’t believe its been a year! We quit our jobs and hit the road for full-time deputation one year ago, and we wouldn’t trade that time for anything. As with anything else, its been hard work (and after 55k miles sometimes you get tired of a car), but it has been exciting to see God work in and through us, and to see Him provide every need.

After a year on the road, we are excited to be at 41% of our needed support! That puts us just slightly behind our goal to be finished in two years, and we are trusting that between churches who have promised support for the future, and the rest of our meetings in the coming year, that we will be ready to go next Fall.

Prayer Requests

Meetings: Pray that we’ll be able to fill our calendar for the year, that we’ll have safety in traveling, and that God would use us to strengthen and encourage believers!

: We don’t want to wait until Barcelona to be involved in ministry. Pray that God would use us this year in our home church, in winning souls wherever we are, and for opportunities to disciple!

Get Involved

Setup Fund: Apart from raising our monthly support, we need to have a setup fund to furnish our home, purchase a car, etc. If you would like to be a blessing and help with this need, you can send a tax deductible gift to our support address marked “Newton’s Setup Fund”.

Barcelona VisionTour
: In April 2012, we will be leading a group to Barcelona, and we will be distributing thousands of pieces of Gospel literature. We are very grateful to Faith Baptist of Lebanon PA for helping out with the printing expense. If you would like to be a part of this trip or contribute to help with expenses, please contact me!

As always, we are so grateful for your prayers, support, and friendship.

Yours for His Harvest,

Scott, Melissa, and Elena Newton