Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Mark Coffey’s January 2011 Prayer Letter

Happy New Year to everyone. I pray you had a great Christmas. Thank you for a year of faithful support and also an extra thanks for those that sent a special Christmas offering.

The Our Generation Summit this year was the best yet. We had over 250 people travel in from all over the country and the world. I believe that the Lord used that time to really bring in some pastors and other church people that want to work with our team in getting the Gospel to the world. Several young people also took big steps toward getting to the mission field. I think we will see missionaries on the field in the next few years because of this event.

I want to start the year off by giving you a summary of what happened last year and what we hope to see happen this year.

International Missionaries– We saw two new families join with VBM. Renzo and Angela Zuñiga will be landing in Morocco this quarter, Lord willing, and Miguel and Liz Murillo joined with us as missionary church planters in South America. God is using both of these men to get the gospel to the unreached parts of the world.

– We aided in getting around 25 people to the mission field this year. I personally led two groups to Peru and helped a young lady get to Papua New Guinea. I continue to pray that the Lord will use those trips to seal a burden in the hearts of those people for missions.

– We were able to see partial support raised for three of our international families, the Peru Bible College, and for our personal family as well. Even through a bad economic time, God took care of us. Pray we will be able to raise more for the new families leaving Peru as missionaries.

– Despite my crazy schedule, I was able to teach one course in our training center each trimester. Although we don’t spend as much time at the training center like we did in the past, this is still a priority in our ministry. We pray the Lord will use us this year to see even more young people recruited and trained for worldwide missions.

Thanks again to everyone who played a part in the ministry of VBM and the Coffey Family.

Here to serve,

Mark and Amy Coffey