Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Travis Snode November 2010 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,

The month of October finished with a week of travel, fellowship, and introducing the life and culture of the British Isles to Chris and Sherry Waye, missionaries on their way to come help us.  We took a whirlwind tour of Scotland and England, traveling 1200 miles in a little over 2 days.

On the trip, we were able to see the major cities of London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Belfast.  Pray for God to raise up laborers to take the gospel to these major cities. The cities are wide open to the gospel, but it is only a matter of time before they will become more and more closed.  The Muslims are targeting the United Kingdom and growing rapidly.

While on our trip, it was great to meet up with two young ladies, Faye and Jodie, who are from England and Scotland and were saved in Peru.  They are back in the UK now, but need your prayers for growth and encouragement.  There are very few Bible-preaching churches for people like this to attend.

Halloween is a very big holiday in Ireland.  It actually began in Ireland and can be traced back to the Irish Druids.  The city of Derry in which we live has the largest Halloween Festival in Europe with nearly 20,000 people coming to the city to celebrate in a Mardi Gras street-carnival fashion.  Because the young people get off a week for this holiday, we had a youth all-nighter for the teenagers during which we had preaching, teaching, Skype interviews, games, and fun.  We also had a combined morning service at the church with a wonderful time of food, fellowship, preaching, and testimonies.  It is great to see our people growing in their love for the Lord and commitment to the local church.

Since November 5, I have been in the United States reporting in to a few churches and trying to raise some new support as well.  I travelled nearly 4000 miles in 19 days and visited 7 different churches and 2 Bible colleges. Today, I am traveling back home.  Due to the infancy of the church here, we are unable to take a full furlough right now, so we are doing our best to come back and report in when possible.  Thank you for understanding.  Please continue to pray for God to provide the additional ministry support we need.

On Thursday, November 25, we begin a new Bible study with some folks in Limavady who are new Christians and want to bring their friends to hear the gospel in a neutral venue.  Pray for God to do a work in these meetings.  Also, please pray for God to work in our world evangelism conference which will take place on December 2-5.

Thank you so much for your faithful support.  You are such a blessing to us.  By the way, go to our website ( to view a new video that we put together about St. Patrick.

— Travis & Teri Snode