Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Camp BreakOUT 2008

I just wanted to write a quick reminder to all the teen and parents about our upcoming summer camp. We are really excited to be partnering with Victory Baptist Church to host Camp BreakOUT this July 27th – 30th.

You can register tomorrow at church or on the camps official website.

If you register in the next 24 hours you will receive a $15 discount! You will only have to pay $85 per person. After tomorrow night the price will go to the regular $100. (There is a discount for multiple members of the same family)

When I was 16 years old I sat in a service at a camp in Tennessee. The preacher was preaching on how short our lives really were. He motioned to an empty seat between me and a friend named Jason Tally. He said in that empty seat would be more then likely be a young man named John Dunn, however, John is not here tonight. My friend John had passed away that summer in a car accident. The preacher went on to say “life is short, do not put off what you know to be right until tomorrow”. That night I went forward and dedicated my life to God for His service.

I will never forget that night. God has molded my life at Christian camps. A good camp is a Controlled Atmosphere for the Ministry of Preaching. That is what we have planned for this July 27th – 30th. There will be some awesome games and new friends to be made. However, I am praying that God will grab ahold of the heart of our teenagers and propel them back into their schools as messengers of the Gospel. We are encouraging them to bring their friends to camp, so they will have someone that has been motivated to BREAK OUT with.

There will be two camps running simultaneously but not together. There will be camp for 3rd – 6th grade and camp for 7th – 12th grade. We desire to see every student possible at camp this year. If you are interested in coming and need more information please feel free to contact me at the church office 770.456.5881.
– Trent Cornwell (Student Pastor)