Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Member Spotlight: Lemar and Latasha

Each month we try to spotlight members of our church. By spotlighting members of our church, we hope to give you the opportunity to better know the people of Vision. This month, take some time to get to know Lemar and Latasha.


Lemar did not grow up in a Christian home. The only reason he went to church one day at the age of seventeen was because his friend from high school invited him. That night was the night he realized his need for the Savior and got saved.

Latasha grew up in a Pentecostal church that taught speaking in tongues as a commandment. At the age of sixteen, after years of frustration, she finally gave up on salvation altogether. She was always breaking one of the commandments because she could not speak in tongues. And since she was taught that salvation was achieved by works, it seemed like she would never be able to earn salvation.

Just at one of the darkest moments in her life, in 2005, Latasha saw a commercial that had a prayer line. She decided to call. The young lady who picked up the phone explained to her that true biblical salvation is a free gift and not earned by works. Latasha accepted this free gift and began to look for a church.

It wasn’t until 2009, when Lemar and Latasha moved to Newnan, Georgia, that they found a Bible-based church. Bible Baptist Church invited Greg to Vacation Bible School and the whole family started attending church there. When they moved to Alpharetta in 2009, their church suggested they come to Vision and they’ve been here ever since.

Lemar and Latasha value the Bible teaching and preaching at Vision. They are always being challenged to understand and apply the Word of God and speak often of how much God has changed them since coming to Vision.

Not only do they love attending Vison, but they also feel blessed to be able to serve in the ministries here. Currently, Lemar serves on the World Vision Cabinet and represents Sub-Saharan Africa. He also participates in the usher ministry, helping to take up and count the offerings. Latasha is part of the team of greeters at church and she assists in the kid’s Sunday School class. They are both excited to keep serving the Lord alongside Vision.

Written By: Anna Skudarnov