Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Goals from Vision Night

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Please pray with the pastoral staff of Vision Baptist Church. Here are some dreams and desires we have for this year as we launch as a church to do more for the cause of Christ.

Yoke Fellow Families
We would like to see a faithful family in our church connected with every missionary family in our church. They would serve as their ambassadors here at home. There will be a meeting for all those who are interested, the first Sunday of March.

Greater Involvement on Thursday Nights

We would like to see a higher percentage of our church participating in our mid week service. Also, with the addition of walls we would like to expand our kids ministry on Thursday nights as well, requiring more volunteer involvement.

Trips to the Mission Field
We are praying that God will allow us to see many new people visit the mission field somewhere, and let it make a major difference in their lives.

Supporting Missionaries

We want to be able to take on about 15 new missionaries as a result of seeing our faith promise offering reaching the $150,000 mark (not counting additional giving).

Greater Visibility

In addition to the sign we were able to put up in 2012, we are looking for a team of people to help place signs in strategic locations around our church on the weekends.

50,000 tracts distributed

We are asking God to help us get 13,000 homes again and give out 50,000 gospel tracts.

Choir continue to Grow

We are asking God to strengthen our choir so that it sings in every service.

Growth in our Spanish Congregation

We are asking God to cause our Spanish church to grow like never before.

Increase the amount of Deacons & One Full Time Secretary

We are asking God to give us more deacons, and help us build more and more super strong men that can lead our church. We are asking God for a full time secretary for the church.
Pastors for New Church Plants.

We are asking God for a pastor for the new work and other men we can train that will become pastors of new churches we start in Atlanta and other parts of the USA.

Growth in the Our Generation Training Center & VBM

We are asking God to give us more students for the training center especially from our church. We would love for God to allow us to see more missionaries go out through VBM.

More Effective Use of Our Current Building & Find Land

We are asking God to let us complete a needed build out for offices and a wall. We are asking God to show us where He might provide land for the church someday.

Growth in our Adult Bible Fellowships and Sunday School Classes.

We are asking God to help us consistently break 200 in Sunday School attendance.

Produce Materials

We are asking God to increase our ability to produce materials and media that can be used here and around the world.