Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Thursdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Service Update: Ye say, We see

God has truly blessed Vision Baptist Church with a great pastor who loves the Lord and has a great understanding of His Word.  Pastor shared that understanding with us Sunday morning as he finished up John chapter 9.  At the end of the chapter, we find people who are beyond help.  They thought that they are good, righteous people.  But Jesus tells that because they think that they are good enough and have sight, they are really the ones who are blind.  The poor blind man realized he was hopeless and needed a savior.  So when Jesus found him (It is always Jesus who finds us), it was easy for him to trust the Lord.  All he had to do was be instructed in the way of salvation ad he believed.  Kind of like a man who realizes that he is a sinner.  He knows he has done wickedly and is worthy of death.  So when he hears the gospel, he readily believes.  But then Jesus came face to face with the religious leaders of his day.  They weren’t blind and didn’t think they needed help, so they rejected Jesus.  The question we have to ask is: Which of these am I?  Do I believe?

In the evening service, we were super privileged to have Jeremy Hall and his wife, Rebekah, with us.  They are missionaries to Peru, South America.  Mr. Hall brought a extremely helpful and powerful message to us from John 8 about the humiliation that Christ faced while he lived among his creation.  The Jewish leaders had bought a woman before Jesus, hoping to trap him.  Like always, their goal was to try to humiliate and destroy him.  It is so amazing that Jesus, the king of Glory, would allow a his creation to treat him like this.  But his present humiliation was simply a gateway the the glory and joy the father had in store for his son.   As the Jews came to Jesus, they tried to use the law to trap the poor woman in her sin.  But Jesus turns around, takes the law, and turns it into a tool convict a sinner and offer her grace.  That is the job of the law, to show us our need of a savior and a reason to accept His grace.

We hope that you will join us at 7:00 pm on Thursday night for our mid-week service!