Update on the Ministry: In September, we had an exciting time at our annual Harvest Service with guest preacher Graham Anderson. Also in September, we began our Bible Institute. We have on average about 6-8 students who are faithful every week. We are teaching Bible Doctrines, Methods of Bible Study, and Baptist Distinctives.
In the month of October, we united with several other churches to host a special creation meeting. We also had a World Evangelism Conference at the end of the month. We are hoping to begin supporting another missionary next year. We have also begun a university outreach on Monday nights, where we pass out tea and coffee after midnight to the students and witness to them.
Special Visitors: At the beginning of October, Chris Waye, a friend who is on deputation to come to the UK, came over for a brief visit. We travelled to and talked with several different pastors in England and learned more about ministry and opportunities there. Please be in prayer for many small, dying churches across England and Wales that have a building, a handful of people, and are asking God for a pastor. Also in October, we had Jim Pettigrew, a special prayer partner, visit with us. Finally, at the end of October, the Stephen Kennedy family arrived in the UK. Our church is sponsoring them to come into the country. Please pray for God to bless them.
Family Update: Grant and Darci started school in September. All our kids are continuing to grow and keep us both very busy. I am thankful to have finally finished my correspondence studies toward a Masters Degree after 2.5 years. It is great to have more time to devote to the ministry and spend with my family.
Furlough: From September 2012 until June 2013, we plan to be in the States on furlough. We are excited about visiting with family, reporting in to supporting churches, and raising new support. If you would like us to come by your church, please contact us at 678-871-9610 or [email protected].
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