Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Newton September Update

Dear Praying Friends,

I just finished writing “thank-you” notes to churches and individuals from the past few weeks, and two thoughts crossed my mind: “Is that pain carpal tunnel syndrome?”, and, “WOW. God and His people have truly been good to us.” It’s definitely a good problem to have to write so many thank you’s! We have not been home for this past month at all, but so many churches and families have made us feel like we were.

Here are some highlights of the month:

Ordained to the Gospel Ministry! This was not just a highlight of the month, but of my life. Grateful for my family and my church family letting us know they believe in God’s hand on me.
Crazy Math: 12 Meetings in 8 states, 4 Missions Conferences, 2 new supporters, 3000 miles driven, and my personal favorite number: 1 soul saved!
New mini Fig Newton! We found out just a week ago that Melissa is expecting our second child, praise God!
Two new contacts in Barcelona! We were contacted via the internet with a request for Bibles from some Christians who we hope to meet soon. Love how God works before we ever land!

One of the most encouraging things has been to go to friends homes and supporting churches and see our prayer card displayed, and hear how we are being lifted up before the throne regularly. I can’t thank you all enough for that.


Melissa’s pregnancy: About 6 weeks in. Pray he/she looks like mommy!
Safety on the road (we will be in FL, TX, OH, and all points in between this next month)
Support Level: Staying steady at about 43%, though have had many good churches commit to take us on this month if Faith Promise level is high enough. God’s economy is doing just fine, pray I’ll remember that and just trust Him when I don’t see the number climb every month. Would love to see that 57% come in before September next year, but I know God has our support and will get us there in exactly the right time.

Thanks again for your continued support, love, and prayer!

Scott, Melissa, Elena, and name-to-be-determined Newton