Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

News from Ireland: Snode Sept. Prayer Letter

The summer holidays in Northern Ireland are only eight weeks long, so it makes for a busy two months with two camps, our VBS/Holiday Bible Club, and our personal holidays. Even though the summer was very busy, we really enjoyed all that God did through the various events.

God blessed the teen camp in a great way. We had 12 teens come to the camp, and a good group of workers from our church to help us. The primary camp also went well. We had just a few children come to that, but it was a good opportunity for the people in our church to get involved again. With everything that we do, we try to do it in such a way that we involve the people at our church and that it is reproducible.

The radio ministry is continuing to go well. We have two radio spots each week, and it is an opportunity to share the gospel and announce various events at our church. Please pray for God to save souls through this outreach. Please pray for visitors to come to some special things that are coming up: Family Fun Night (September 10), Harvest Service (September 18), and Creation & Truth Meeting (October 4).

We are working hard to disciple and train people in our church to do the ministry and to lead. It has been very encouraging to see many of them stepping up to help with various ministries in the church. Many have shown interest in our Thursday night Bible Institute which starts on September 22.

It was a blessing to have two interns with us this summer. Carie Cuneio is still in Bible college, and Jason Rishel just graduated from Bible college. They were a huge help in the ministry.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. We really appreciate all that you do.

Travis, Teri, Grant, Darci, and Cali Snode


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