Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Matt Allen’s January 2011 Prayer Letter

Matt and Becky Allen are our Strategic Partners in the country of Papua New Guinea. Hundreds of different language groups exist in this remote corner of the world, and many of these have not yet been reached with the Gospel. The Allens have been working for 5 years with the Kamea people, and they, with their team, have accomplished a great work–starting churches, a Bible school, an aviation ministry, and now, a medical ministry. They are also taking the Kamea language and working at putting it in a written form so they could translate the Bible into the people’s own tongue. Get to know the Allens and pray for them and their ministry.

It is of the Lordʼs mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. –Lamentations 3:22,23

With the commencement of 2011, what a thrill to know that His mercies are new every morning; and what a privilege to be covered by His faithfulness! We serve a God that is truly faithful.

Shortly after sending out our last prayer letter, a group visited us here in Kotidanga from our home church in Louisville, KY. Eight men gave two weeks of their lives–and a lot of money–to come over and be a part of this work. I have known most of them since my childhood, and it was good to spend time with them on a more personal level, getting to know them individually. While they were here, they helped finish building the Kunai Health Center, the equivalent of a hospital here in the area. We laughed with them; we cried with them; and Iʼm thrilled to know that my home church loves its missionaries.

During their stay here, they got to witness the graduation of two more Bible School students. Pastor James Naudiʼs wife, Kelisa graduated, as did Jorim Kimas. Both of these students have been faithful for the last three years in classes. Last week, I flew Jorim (and his stuff) to Kaintiba Airstrip, where he plans to serve God starting a church.

A week after our group left, I went to Huruta Village along the coast for a four-day revival meeting. During the time there, three adults got saved, including one man named Thomas who was a local witch-doctor. The people of Huruta wanted to make a big deal about my arrival–they stated (sadly, I might add) that I was the first missionary to ever set foot in their village. There is a group of believers there in Huruta, and there is a great open door to do more work there.

We kicked off the New Year with a Preacherʼs Meeting, inviting all the preachers that are in the area to come in for refreshment. We were able to encourage them to shun false doctrine while holding to the Word of God. It was a blessing to have our graduates from years past to be here.

A new group of six students have arrived to begin their three-year studies as Bible School students. Three of them are single, while three of them are bringing their families. We look forward to having these young men here for the next few years and training them to make a difference with their lives.

Our family enjoyed Christmas here in Kotidanga, and we are thrilled to be working here in Papua New Guinea. Thank you for making that possible!

Matt, Becky, and the girls