Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

David Gardner’s November 2010 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,

Wow! Things are very different here in the United States. The weather, the culture, the people. There are so many things that we have grown accustomed to in Peru that we didn’t even realize the type of culture shock that we would go through by returning  here.

We arrived at the end of October, and we hit the ground running. We have been visiting churches and booking meetings ever since we got here. In the first four weeks, we have driven over 5,000 miles and have been in over 20 church services. We are looking forward to what God is going to do in our lives while we are here. I know God has churches for us to take us on for support. We just have to go out there and find them.

If you are a supporting church, or a church that would like to have us come to your church and present the ministry of what God is doing in Peru, we would love to. Please give me a call at: 770-597-4750 or email me at: [email protected]

I would like to share a few prayer requests that you could pray with us about:

Katie’s Health: 
We have a doctor’s appointment that is coming up soon, and we are hoping to get some answers about everything that has been going on with Katie’s health for the past few years. I cannot do the ministry without my wife. She is the most important part of my life, and I am asking God to give us direction as to how to get her health back to normal.

Our Support : With the economy not doing well and with the surprise of our daughter coming into this world, we have seen a major reduction in our support and need to raise more in order to be able to carry on with the ministry in Peru. Please pray with me that God would provide the supporters for us to make it back to Peru. Pray that you might be one of our supporters.

Omega Baptist Church : God has been moving in great ways in Peru and in the Omega Baptist Church. I want to ask you to continue praying for the church that it might grow in maturity and in number. God has been blessing, and they are still averaging over 100 on Sunday mornings.

I truly thank each and every one of you that has been involved in our ministry whether through prayer or through financial support.

One of the most encouraging things about coming back to the United States is being able to see the faces of the people that pray for us on a regular basis and know that they are co-laborers with us on the mission field. If you are involved with us on the mission field, that is your ministry, and you will receive rewards for what has been done. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

For His Glory,
David, Katie, and Chloe Gardner
Missionaries in Peru
Macedonia World Baptist Missions