Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

November Prayer Letter from Mark Coffey


43% is the support level we hit this month! Since we started full time deputation in April, God has placed us in some great churches to present the field of South Africa.

Even during difficult economic times, we have seen churches give sacrificially to get us to the mission field.

These past two months, we have been in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, and California. I thank the Lord for all the churches that opened their doors for us to present the ministry. I am also grateful for the numerous opportunities He has given me to talk to people about the Gospel in many of these states. Folks, we donʼt have much time left. We need to be sharing the Gospel with as many people as we can. God has used this time of deputation to burden my heart even more to do all that I can to share Jesus with others.

I would like to ask you all to be praying for our upcoming survey trip in January. We need about $1200 more to cover the expenses for the trip. I was able to visit South Africa this past March, but my wife has never seen the field. I am eager for her to see what I have been talking about for the last several months.

From December 29-31, our home church hosts a missionʼs event called the Our Generation Summit in Pigeon Forge, TN. This is a 3-day winter retreat for the entire family and church with an emphasis on missions and world evangelism. The cost for a single individual is only $100. I want to invite you to be a part of this great event. It has been a challenge to my own life each and every year. I donʼt think you would regret coming. For more information, check out or call 770.456.5881.

Thanks again to everyone who has partnered with our ministry either in prayer, financial support, love offering, or all of the above. You have been a great blessing to my family. I pray the Lord will give you great fruit for your investment.

Here to serve,

Mark, Amy, Tyler, Chase, Emilee, Luke, and Addison