Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

5:20 Volunteers Meeting


One of the best illustrations the Bible uses for the church is that of being a body. (1 Corinthians 12) The church is one body yet there are many parts to the body. Although, we may not be the same part of the body, we each have a purpose and a gifting to serve the body in some capacity.

What happens then when a part of the body is not functioning correctly? The obvious answer is that there are problems because when the body’s organs begin to not work as they should. Doctors do their best to try and to make sure organs do not fail. People who have been maimed or injured horribly are given prosthetic limbs so that they can function more normally. There is even an emerging field of medicine called “functional medicine” whose purpose is to test and treat based on how your body is functioning. All of this is said to say that we all have our part in the body of Christ to serve in some way. Yes, the body may be alive; but it is not at its full potential.

One misconception people have is that you have to be in “full-time” ministry in order to serve the church in some way. This simply is not true. Church is not a spectator sport just as much as your foot cannot say that it is not the eye so it has no purpose in serving your body.

This is the foundation to knowing why it is good to get involved by coming to the 5:20 volunteers meeting on Sunday afternoon. At the meeting, you can find areas of ministry that you can serve in that work with your gifting and talent. There is no minimum and there is no maximum to what you can do. The important thing is that we function correctly as a body that Christ may be glorified and His church may be built.


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