Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Kevin White’s February 2011 Prayer Letter

Investing in Eternity

As you might have already heard from out last prayer letter we are beginning a very exciting project for our ministry in Bolivia. The church there was started about four and a half years ago and the Lord has greatly blessed it. Our desire at this time is to purchase a piece of land that we can build a church building on. This is a great step of faith but we know this will be a huge step toward the church becoming autonomous and self-supporting. Right now the church rent is much more than they could possibly pay on their own. This may be hard to understand until you realize that the minimum wage in Bolivia is about 600 bolivianos or $85 a month. We want to let you know that you can have a vital part in this special project. First of all, we would like to ask you to pray for several things:

#1. For the church and leaders in Bolivia.
#2. That the Lord would give us wisdom as we step out by faith.
#3. That the Lord will provide the needed funds for this project.

While we are just in the beginning stages, the Lord is already blessing. We have a supporting church in Florida that has given $500 towards the land and another church that will be taking an offering during their mission’s conference. If you would like to help, just send us an Email to [email protected] to let us know. You may send it to:

Macedonia World Baptist Missions
c/o Bolivia Land Fund
P.O. Box 519,
Braselton GA 30517.

Going Crazy

This past month we started the process of getting our birth and marriage certificates legalized by the Bolivian Consulate here in the US, so that they will be accepted in Bolivia when we return. Without this, the Bolivian government will not recognize them and we can’t do any paperwork. For example, if my wife needed to leave the country with the children, but I couldn’t leave they would not give her permission without having the children’s birth certificates legalized. I am finding out that this is a very complicated and expensive process. Just to give you and idea, first the certificates have to have the seal and signature of the secretary of state in the state in which it was issued, which is different for each of us and Taylor was born in Peru. This cost around $100. From there they all have to be translated into Spanish and signed by a notary, costing around $250. Then we have to obtain a certification from the state showing that the Notary is in good standings and then everything has to be sent to the Secretary of State of the US. I have no idea how much that will cost. Finally everything is sent to the Bolivian Consulate in Washington DC. This will cost over $500. As you can see it is enough to drive someone crazy.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for the needed funds to buy land for the church in Bolivia.
2. Pray for our needed support that we are trying to raise.
3. Pray the Bolivian Government that the Lord’s will be done.
4. Pray for safety as we travel visiting churches.

We thank you so much for your prayers and participation to make this dream become a reality.


Kevin White
Missionary to Bolivia