Dear Prayer Partners,
Another month has come and gone. As I sit to write this, I really think that writing a monthly prayer letter would be a good idea for every Christian to do. Whether you send it to anyone or not, it does several things for you:
1. It helps you to recognize the need of God’s work and power in your life, your ministry, and your family. This is so important, and so easy to let slip; we start to believe that we can accomplish great things for God without His power. Pray without ceasing!
2. It helps you to meditate on the blessings and provision of God. We are told to rejoice evermore! I don’t know about you, but it’s not always natural to stop dwelling on perceived problems and think on how good God has been to me, it has to be a conscious choice. Write a prayer letter, praise Him for His goodness!
God HAS been so good to us this month! We have 7 new supporters since our last prayer letter, we have traveled a total of 7,296 miles, and presented our ministry in 4 different states in October. We are now have approximately 15% of our support promised, and I will know what our true total is on the 1st of December.
I have been learning this month that regardless of how many times God has come through and provided every need, walking by faith is always a choice to do battle against fear. “Will I be able to pay the rent? Will God be faithful this time too? Is His hand still on our lives? Will He use me to bring souls to Him? Will He touch lives as I stand to preach His Word?”
If you are trying to live for God, you will know this to be true: the voice of fear never leaves, but the voice of Truth grows stronger every time you listen and obey by faith! He has ALWAYS been faithful and good, and always will be. We serve a great God!
Thank you for all your prayers for our ministry, and I wanted to share some fruit that God has already brought here in the States. I have been sharing the Gospel with a Korean man named Kevin for several years, and last Saturday I had the privilege to see him bow his head and accept Jesus Christ as his Savior! He is excited about his new life in Christ, is faithfully reading his Bible and being discipled, and will be attending church with me tomorrow night, Lord willing. Please pray for him as he grows in grace, and know that you share in this fruit as you have prayed for and supported us!
Please continue to pray for Spain and the souls that God will use us to touch in Barcelona, may we rejoice together in Heaven over how He used His churches and missionaries to reach the lost for Him!
Yours for His Harvest,
Scott, Melissa, and Elena Newton
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