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355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Survey Trip to Thailand by Philip Bassham

Many have asked the plan for our survey trip to Thailand.  So, this is our plan.

Why go on a survey trip anyway?

1.  Because my eye affecteth mine heart. I know the Gospel, and I have read the stats, talked to people that have been there, and I know Thailand’s fate without the Gospel, but to see the land, I expect, will break my heart for Thailand in an entirely different way.  But I want that.  I want it to become more personal to me than it already is, and that God would use visual and auditory cues in Thailand to awaken deep affections to motivate me to work, pray, and try harder than I ever have in the past.

2.  Because it is wise to spy out the land. There is something about being there with the sounds, and smells, and sights that clarifies a vision and plan.  I need a lot of wisdom to make concrete strategy for what will actually happen when I land.

3.  Because I need to sit down and count the cost, literally. Costs vary greatly in a foreign country.  Some things are very cheap, and other things are very costly.  So, we plan on finding a location in the city that seems like a good place to start ministry and find prices, in that area, for a place to live and a place to rent for the church so that we know better what we need to raise financially.

4.  Because I need to provide for my family, and that takes preparation. I want to consider and provide for Lori and the family the Lord may give us as best as possible in a foreign land.

5.  Because there is safety in a multitude of counsellors. Other very wise men, including my pastor, have volunteered to go on this trip with me and will provide invaluable insight.  I don’t take that lightly.

6.  Because the Great Commission is given to the church, not to me individually. And my home church understands that. So, leaders of the church are making plans, as we speak, to accompany me.  The pastor, the youth pastor, the treasurer, members of the world evangelism committee, another missionary, are planning and others are considering.

The plan:

1.  Leave from Atlanta February 1st.

2.  Fly into New Delhi, India because it is actually cheaper to stop there first.

3.  While in India, we will visit the birthplace of Buddhism.  Buddha preached his first ‘sermon’ here underneath a giant tree and most Buddhists will make a pilgrimage here sometime during their life.

4.  Fly over to Bangkok, the 12th largest city in the world.  Obviously a city of that magnitude has a ton to explore, so we will spend days here talking to other missionaries that have been in the city, visit their churches and see what unique challenges Thailand will present to ministry and living.

5.  Look at rental and purchase prices for a place to meet so that we know what to plan for.

6.  Gather some photos and video so that we will be able to communicate the need and situation in Thailand effectively to others that are interested in partnering with us financially or physically.

7.  Fly back to Atlanta on February 10th.

The cost for this trip will be about $1800.  If you want to help you can send support to:

Vision Baptist Missions
Project Thailand
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Or give online at Vision Baptist Missions, and mark it for our survey trip.