Sundays at 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM // Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

The Masters Family

Tyler Masters is from Ohio. His wife is from Boston. They met in Peru. They currently live in Georgia, and in a few short days, they will no longer be living in the USA. They, along with most of their possessions, will board a plane, and fly across the Atlantic Ocean, where they will begin a new life.

And when they get ready to leave, we will say our goodbyes and watch them fly off into the sky. But they won’t be forgotten. Sure, they’ll be living in another country, on a whole other continent, and in a different culture. But we won’t forget them. We at Vision Baptist will love them, miss them, pray for them, email them and Skype them frequently.  They will be at the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.

Though one of the most God honoring families we’ve ever known is going to be leaving us, even if it isn’t permanent, we know it is for good cause. Rather, it is for the best cause, for there is nothing so great as carrying out the great commission.

The Masters go to North Africa, where they will carry the blessed gospel light to a land entrenched and grasped by darkness. To carry hope to a land full of people condemned, having no hope of their own.

Tyler and his family will embark of a journey that will not only change their lives, but will be used of God to change many other lives, and eternities.  And so, as their days in the USA wind down, their days in North Africa are soon to begin. And as they begin, souls will be saved, the gospel will be preached, and the Lamb will receive the reward of His suffering.

Tyler, Gretchen, Norah and Judson, we love all of you. We will be praying for you, thinking of you, missing you, and eagerly awaiting news from North Africa of God working through you. We love you, believe in you, and support you fully. God bless all of you.