On Easter Sunday we are not going to focus on the empty building but we are going to celebrate the EMPTY GRAVE! We want you, your family, and your vehicle to join us this Easter Sunday! We must be “apart” in social distancing but we desire to be “a part” of celebrating the resurrection!
Recently Governor Kemp was asked about churches hosting drive-in services.” Here is a summary of his response. In addition our Pastor has been in communication with our Sheriff, Ron Freeman.
Will we be able to do drive-in church? Yes, you will be able to have drive-in church, provided that you maintain the social distancing requirements. You will need to consider the safest method of providing church services. If you do have a drive-in service, be sure that people will park far enough apart and maintain social distancing. Some churches are continuing to collect tithes as well by having a single bucket to drop the offering by without passing it through the congregation. Don’t encourage people to leave tithes in the mailbox so that it won’t be stolen.
Recommended rules for drive-in church are: 1) Restrooms are not available. 2) You cannot leave your car.
We will be abiding by the recommended rules given by the Governor. As a church, it is our desire to respond to this challenge in a manner that would glorify God. We will continue to stream our services online through Facebook, YouTube, and our church website.
Please, let us know if you have any questions. You can email us at [email protected]