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355 Windy Hill Dr Alpharetta, GA 30004

Bible Fixes Bad Theology


Our young people know that idols are bad.  What they need to know is that it is just as wrong to form a god in their mind that doesn’t exist as it is to form one with their hands.  Through an abundance of TV, movies, school, facebook, friends and all the other opinions flying around our young people it is easy for them to fashion a god in their minds that allows them to indulge in selfishness, self-righteousness, carnality or worse.   That god doesn’t exist and the true God goes misunderstood.    True Theology comes from the revelation that God makes about Himself in the Bible and Jesus Christ which is the central theme.

Romans is a theology book and the study of the book of Romans is an investigation into the way God presents the central theme of the Bible which is Jesus Christ.   The Bible is the only reliable source of truth about God because it is what God says about Himself.  The Bible also is the tool that the Holy Spirit uses to perform the transformation from sinner to saint and from new Christian to a true disciple of Christ.  Young people can handle Theology so they might as well get good Theology.  Truth is a powerful defense against mind-made idols.



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