Site icon Vision Baptist Church of South Forsyth

Sanctity of Life Sunday

Yesterday was set aside, nationally, as Sanctity of Life Sunday. We whole heartedly agree with thousands of churches across America that this is an issue for which the Bible is not silent. We believe life begins at conception which means we believe that decisions made concerning the unborn are of the the utmost importance.

We not only believe in the sanctity of the unborn children of America but we believe we should also fight for the lives of the unborn around the world. Abortion is a global problem.

You may not recognize it but in are taking big measures to fight for the sanctity of life around the world. We are not only hoping to see the future of the unborn child changed but also that of the mother carrying that child. You will never hear us talking about picketing clinics or different bills in the senate from the pulpit. Every time you hear us speak of hope and grace know we are talking about the solution to this global problem. Know every time we to vote see churches started in areas of city with higher than average abortion rates (Mableton) we are working to make a difference in this world. Know that when we send our friends off to the other side of the world to be messengers of hope we are doing the best good to make the greatest difference in this world.

Please remember this week that life matters. The unborn here and around the world. The woman carrying the child and the one who made decisions in the past she greatly regrets. The young and the old.

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