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August/September Prayer Letter from Miguel Murillo

I thank God for another month of blessings, of which you have been a part by way of your prayers. May God fill you with wisdom as His work is being carried out.

Hunter Baptist Church

This month, we are encouraging the brethren in their service, and we have seen the fruits of several decisions to help us. Additionally, the missions giving continues to grow, (15% this month compared to last month), and on Sunday, the 28th, ten brethren decided to be baptized, fruit of the work of two seminary students and Alfredo Pari.

The English classes on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as the Sunday school class, also in English, are giving fruit. We have visitors coming to church who have heard the gospel!

Sunday, the 11th of this month, we will have a brother from our church, Dr. Oscar Diaz, giving classes to the young people about venereal diseases. On the 25th, he will speak to the same group about the topic of abortion.

Esmirna Baptist Church

We held our missions conference from the 24th to the 28th of August. Many of the brethren decided to become involved in faith promise. Many of our missionaries visited that week and others communicated with us via skype. It is a privilege to continue supporting the work of God.

Berea Baptist Church

Many visitors continue to come to our church, for example, Sisters Rocio’s and a lady who lives just out front of our church among others. Additionally, the brethren are helping with the United Choir, preparing for pastor’s school in October.

Christian School

We began our classes on August the 8th after two weeks’ vacation time. We have a new student, and we began to make repairs to the restroom thanks to brethren in the church who made donations. I ask for your prayers for the expenses as late payments impede the on time payment of some wages.

Macedonia Baptist Seminary

We began the semester on Tuesday, the 9th, with three new students. Additionally, the fourth year students will travel to the northern end of the country with Pastor Juan Pacheco, where they will have a campaign, and they will help with visitation and their practical work. I ask your prayers for them please.

This month, one of the wives of our foreign students, Paul Meliman from Chile, had a baby. They will be completing their internship with the El Faro Baptist Church, and we thank God that both his wife and the child are doing well.

We ask for your prayers for:

•Our “Family Week” in a new work that we will begin on Friday the 9th until Sunday the 11th.
•Our Teen Conference in Hunter from the 9th-10th of September.
•The ten new members of the Hunter Baptist Church. We will have the Lord’s Supper on Sunday the 11th.

We thank you for your love and prayers for us,

Miguel Murillo

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