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Chris Waye’s February Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors, Partners & Praying Friends,

The deputation trail has finally begun! We are very excited to tell you that we have now started full-time deputation. The Lord has allowed us to finish our training in Peru and we arrived back to the States in early September. Since that time, we have been working hard on getting all of the necessary materials ready for hitting the road. The cards have been printed, the banners have been made, the Lord has led us and now we are ready to go.

January was a great month for us. It started with the OG Summit, where we were able to be with many of our friends and saw God move in a great way. We then dropped in to our very first church and had a great time presenting what God has burdened us to do.

Since then, we have been in 9 different churches presenting our ministry, with 3 of them partnering with us for financial support. God is blessing already! We have already seen God provide for us in many ways just in our first month of deputation. It is such an honor and privilege to be able to travel around the country and tell people about Jesus. We are having a blast!

Thank you so much for praying for us. It is only through the faithfulness of God and his praying people that we are able to do what we do. Please continue to pray that God will allow us to bring Him glory in all that we do, and are able to get to the British Isles as soon as we can.

Here to serve,

Chris, Sherry, Lawson and Linden

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