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New Ministry at the Forsyth County Jail


Last night we saw an answer to the prayers of many people. It has been our desire for many years now to have the opportunity to serve in the local jail by leading Bible studies. Over the last year, especially, Joseph Reidy has kept this prayer requests before us. We are so thankful this door has been opened to us and we pray it remains open.

After Kason Bloom received word there would be an opportunity for us to send in teams of men and women on  a monthly basis he quickly began recruiting volunteers. Over a two week period nearly 35 people had filled out the information needed for the mandatory background check! God had not only provided an opportunity but He had provided the workers as well!

Last week our church received a visit from the officer who oversees this program at the Forsyth County Jail. She gave us a clear understanding of how to move forward. We are very thankful for her assistance in this matter.

Twenty one of us entered the jail last night around 8 pm and spent approximately an hour teaching God’s Word, praying, and having conversations with inmates. It was an incredibly great night of ministry. We had teams enter into 4 men’s pods and 4 women’s pods. We were able to minister to about 45 men and 40 women!

We were well received and treat with great respect and appreciation. It is our desire to not only teach the Word but to help the inmates realize they to can study God’s Word. We plan to teach the Bible verse by verse, teach discipleship lessons, sing together, pray together, and help answer life’s questions from the Bible.

We have created some guiding principles to help us in this ministry. We want God to be glorified in every moment of time we are given with these men and women.

Please pray for this ministry. We are seeking new ways to engage the men and women in the jail in the study of God’s Word. We pray more opportunities open to us in the community like this. We will return next month and will have new volunteers helping lead the Bible studies.


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