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Keith Shumaker’s Vision for Burkina Faso

As of today, I have been a missionary for about 11 years. God has always taken care of my family and I. He has used His people to do this so many times. I am excited about what God is doing in Burkina Faso and in West Africa. I envision a great revival. Not because of me, but because of Him. We would like to plant at least 40 more churches in the capital Ouagadougou. We already have three, and we plan to start the fourth in Feb. 2011. We are in the process of getting 7 pieces of property in the capital. We also want to send men to key cities in Burkina Faso. They will start a church and use that church and reach their area with the Gospel. We need hundreds of churches in Burkina Faso. It would take hours for me to explain what is on my heart. We want to send men all over West Africa to start churches. Actually, we want to send men all over Africa.

I know many of you are thinking, Keith has gone mad. I really had this in my heart for a long time but only shared bits and pieces. I remember driving down the road on deputation. I was single for most of it. I would listen to hours of preaching and singing. I know that I am half crazy but I would begin to preach in the car. I would imagine and dream that thousands of Africans would be listening. I would then roll down the window and have an alter call and lead them to the Lord. I can’t say that we have thousands. We don’t have the yet, but we do have hundreds. I still believe that the thousands are coming.

I really can’t share all for a lack of time, but I am bothered by what I see on the field. I watch Mosques being built all over West Africa. They are the prettiest, biggest, nicest buildings in the different towns and villages. They are being built all over. At one time, they were opening 3-4 new mosques a week. Money is pumped in from other countries. I just can’t sit back and say nothing. I am burdened to do more. I want to see God move like never before in Africa. We have the truth. Our Savior died for us, but He didn’t stay dead. He arose. He is alive. Why is it that those who don’t have the truth and those who have a dead god give until it hurts? I know that so many of you give, pray and serve God, but there are many who are unmoved, remain selfish, and only give half-hearted service to the Lord.

God has given us seven Burkinabé pastors to work with. I dream that one day we will have hundreds. God has really blessed us with these pastors. They love God and His work. They have a passion about the world and winning others to Christ. They are doing their part. They are leading the churches to give towards missions. They are helping with the building, both physically and financially. They are sacrificing. I could tell you about those who don’t have much but give their tithes and give to missions. I could tell you about Albert who gives over 50% of his salary to God each month. He rides a bike to and from work for a total of an hour a day when he could afford a moped if he didn’t give to God’s work. I wish you could see it first hand.

Many have asked about the projects we have going on and what we want to see accomplished in the future. In the next few posts, I will begin to share many of these projects that we have on our hearts.

To keep up with Keith Shumaker, our strategic partner in Burkina Faso, visit

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