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Bassham family prayer letter- August

Full time Deputation!

It is finally here!  We are on full time deputation to start churches in Thailand.  We have been preparing for this day for 10 years, and the Lord has faithfully brought it to pass.  Our schedule is about to change quite drastically, and we need your prayer that we would be able to have an effective ministry on deputation.  Here are some specific things that we would ask you to pray about on deputation:

  • That our support will be raised very quickly and we would be able to have the resources that we will need to minister in that dark land. Our goal is 2 years.
  • That he would lead us to the right churches on deputation.  I believe that he will, but we want to find like-minded churches that we can strive with together in the ministry.
  • That we could see people stirred up and raised up for the ministry. We are asking God to raise up actual workers that will work with us in Thailand or somewhere in the world.  Would you pray with us for God to send forth laborers into His harvest?
  • That we will be able to learn a ton from the hundreds of people in the ministry that we will meet.

We have been busy the last few months filling our schedule, but if you know of a church that may be interested in having us come present the ministry, we still have openings!

Passing the Baton

This last week we have done a lot of things for the first and last time.


  • Taught the singles class at Vision Baptist.  For almost the last 5 years I have had the privilege to be the Singles Director and we have come a long ways from when we started with nothing.  The Lord has blessed and people have been saved and baptized, the class has grown, other classes have been started, and now we have turned it over to a young couple that I know will do a great job.
  • Lead music. It was also my last time to practice with, sing, and direct the congregation.  I didn’t even know if I wanted that job 5 years ago, but the Lord has done so many great things through it and I am going to miss the music ministry and people that God has allowed me to serve with.


  • Anniversary! We have now been married for one whole year, and I had no idea how wonderful this was going to be. I have an amazing, sweet, and very helpful wife and I love her very much.  She has been amazingly cooperative considering all the crazy decisions we have made over the last year!
  • Commissioning Service – We had our commissioning service on our anniversary actually, and we are extremely excited to be sent out of Vision Baptist Church.  They showed us a ton of love and person after person encouraged us as we head out to start deputation.


This month we had the opportunity to be in a few meetings in GA, and spent a week in Arkansas in a conference there.  God has been providing for our needs in amazing ways as we transition from our normal job to traveling on deputation.  It is strengthening our faith as we step out and begin to live in some uncertain months as we get started


He has also already provided many new supporters this month and we look forward to our partnership together in the Gospel!

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