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Coffey family prayer letter.

The 2010 Our Generation Leadership Camp was a great success. We had around sixty teens and college-age students participate in this year’s camp. God moved in the hearts and lives of the young people and several have given their lives to work in full-time missions. We have two from this group who have  confirmed they will be attending our Training Center this coming fall. Plan to be a part of this exciting camp next year. We have changed it a little and will be hosting it the first week of June at Fort Bluff Camp in Dayton, TN. You can go to to stay up to date on all the plans.

Please be praying for two upcoming Peru trips that I will be leading in the next two months. I will be taking groups from Georgia and South Carolina. I really would like to see some of these people commit their life to missions during these trips. We are in need of laborers all over the world, and I pray we will seem some come from these trips. If you or your church would be interested in going on one of my missions trips next year please let me know.

On a more personal note, by the time you read this letter, Amy and I will have had our third child. Addison Ann Coffey is supposed to be here any day now. By the way the midwife talked she should have already been here, but we are still waiting. Please be praying for Amy as she will be recovering and be praying for me as I learn how to handle a little baby again. Emilee is definitely excited about having a younger sister, and Luke says he doesn’t mind too much that she’s a girl

I also ask that you pray for the Lorenzo Laura family. He and his family have been working faithfully in the city of Cobija, Bolivia for several years. Lorenzo pastored in Arequipa, Peru before going to Bolivia as missionaries. God has used the Laura family in a great way in this remote city. Currently, I am trying to raise an additional $150 a month support for him. Pray the funds will come in quickly so we can further the work this family is doing for the Lord.

Here to serve,

Mark, Amy, Emilee, and Luke Coffey

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