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“the same commit thou to faithful men,” became the theme this morning at the first meeting of the men’s fellowship at Vision Baptist church.  Eighteen men and young men showed up and were challenged by Austin to take the leadership role that God intended men to have.  II Timothy 2:3-5 gives men their instructions for the battle. 

First, endure hardness.  There is no place for soft choices in the battle over kingdom territory.  That territory is the hearts of people, and the decision that all must make.  We must accept responsibility for what we know.  We must accept the fact that the Bible is both true and serious about the message that Jesus Christ died for all mankind making it imperative that they decide.  Getting that message to the world is the most manly thing we can do, but its also hard.  We have to be ready to endure hardness. 

Secondly, the entanglements of the world cannot entangle us or we risk the entire mission.  A character lapse or indulgence in comforts creates unrecoverable delay in the forward motion of World Evangelism.  We cannot afford delays for they are a sure loss of ground.

Thirdly, all efforts must be lawful, truthful and correct lest we risk disqualifying our efforts.  We have a mandate and the baseline for all truth and ministry.  The Word of God.  We have no authority outside of the Bible and no excuse for sidestepping anything within the Bible.

If you are a man that desires to take his life and ministry to a level that matters, don’t miss the next meeting of the men’s fellowship at Vision.  Saturday afternoon, December 16th at 4:00 p.m., and Saturday morning December 23rd at 7:30 a.m. 

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